Attendance refers to complete time tracking of employees which includes Leaves, Attendance, Holidays, Week offs. HRMates using following concepts

  • Shift for all employees for all days
  • Days offs for all employees
  • Leaves for all employees


  • Day off: Week offs, Night offs, Adhoc off
  • Punch: Check in Check out from Mobile, Check in Check out from Dashboard, Punch from Biometrics device. Biometric device can be designated as In, Out or Both

In time and Out time calculation based on Punches and Shift

Every Shift has a Start and End Time. HRMates extends shift time to Punch Start Time and Punch End Time

Shift Punch Time window
Midnight cutoff checked (Office Shifts) 3 Am of shift day to 3 Am following day
Midnight cutoff unchecked (Roster Shifts) 1 hour before shift start time and 1 hour after shift end time

In Time is taken as minimum punch time of In or Both punches within Punch Time window

Out Time is taken as maximum punch time of Out or Both punches within Punch Time window



Multiple overtimes type can be setup and calculated based on company policy. Overtime approvals can also be setup as per policy. Overtime are then used in payroll for calculation as per policy.

Overtime Pre Approval

As per policy overtime can be set for pre approval. Employee can request for pre approval from My AttendanceOvertime Column → icon. Manager can request pre overtime request on behalf of employee from Self Service menu → My Team menu → Attendance Button.

Manager can upload overtime in bulk using Self Service menu → My Team menu → Right side bar → Upload Overtime Request button

If overtime generated is more than approved overtime, overtime will be sent for approval again. If overtime generated is less than approved overtime no fresh approvals will be generated.